What’s the difference between a narcissist and a jerk? They’re both means. But a narcissist is more than just a jerk who’s got some issues. They have grandiose beliefs about self-importance and need to prove they are better, smarter, or more valuable than you.
Narcissists are often charming, charismatic, and manipulative, and they may even be attractive and physically seductive. In fact, narcissists often believe that their beauty and power are the reason they can get away with being mean, disrespectful, and abusive. There are many different types of narcissists, but all have one thing in common: They lack empathy. So what does that mean? Well, here are the twelve things you should know before you fall for a narcissist.
1. They aren’t just jerks.
You may think that you’re only going to date a jerk, but you need to be on alert for narcissistic behavior. Narcissists are typically charming. The narcissist may try to convince you that they have great potential to be a great partner. They may even use charm and charisma to appear attractive and seductive. But don’t let them fool you. This person has no desire to be your partner. They will do whatever it takes to keep you as a constant supply of attention and admiration.
2. They have grandiose beliefs about themselves.
The narcissist believes that their intelligence, beauty, skills, looks, talents, accomplishments, or status is superior to everyone else’s. Narcissists may feel like they have the right to be bossy, control everything, and make all the decisions. The narcissist will do whatever it takes to convince you that they are important and that you need them around.
3. They can be abusive and controlling.
If you try to express disagreement or ask for your needs to be met, the narcissist will react with anger, rage, and a show of disrespect. If you express discontent, the narcissist may attack you physically or emotionally.
4. They’re manipulative and dishonest.
When narcissist wants something, they will use whatever means necessary. Narcissists are masters at lying, cheating, and manipulating others to get their way.
They don’t care about the rules, about what they’ve done wrong, or about how they hurt others. Narcissist often believes that they are the victim and entitled to whatever they want.
5. They’re self-absorbed and insensitive.
Narcissist only cares about themselves. They don’t care about other people. It’s not that the narcissist doesn’t love you, but they cannot show love without first showing their superiority.
Narcissist only loves themselves. In fact, the narcissist will tell you how wonderful they are over and over again. This person’s entire identity revolves around how great they are and how perfect everything they do is.
6. Know what you’re getting into.
If you’re attracted to someone who seems like a jerk but also seems like a narcissist, the chances are that they are. Be careful. A narcissist is a toxic partner who will eventually drive you crazy. You need to be able to see the red flags. If you can see them, you shouldn’t be with this person.
7. Prepare yourself emotionally.
The narcissist will likely do whatever it takes to win your approval. They may try to seduce you or use charm and charisma to make you think that you’re in love. But be aware that narcissists only want one thing: your attention and admiration.
9. Don’t get sucked in.
The narcissist wants to be the center of attention, and you’ll find them at every opportunity to make sure that you think they’re great. A narcissist may try to win your heart by taking you out to expensive dinners, but if you’re with a narcissist, you’re not with a person who cares about you. They will only be interested in what you can do for them.
10. Keep your cool.
The narcissist is never satisfied with their position in life. If you let this person get under your skin, you’re just asking for trouble.
11. Know when to walk away.
A narcissist is never satisfied. If they can’t get what they want, they will find a way to take it from you. Don’t be surprised if the narcissist changes their behavior, becoming more manipulative and threatening.
12. Remember that you will be in control.
The narcissist may try to make you feel like you have no control over your life, but you control your emotions. A narcissist may try to turn you against your friends, your family, or even your own children. But you can choose to remain in a healthy relationship.
This post was previously published on medium.com.
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